Your Journey Begins Here 

The RCIA program is a spiritual journey for adults who wish to become members of the Catholic faith community. The spirit and teachings of the Catholic faith are shared in weekly classes that often include song, prayer, video clips, and dialogue. Priests, religious and lay people from our parish share their knowledge about the Catholic faith focusing on the sacraments, the beliefs of the Catholic Church, the liturgical year, sacred scripture, Mary, the saints, and the social ministries of the Catholic faith. The program culminates in the celebration of the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass. Mass begins in the darkness and proceeds with lighted candles, scripture readings, liturgical music, prayers, and celebration of the Sacraments; all those present are inspired to re-dedicate their lives to the teachings of the Catholic faith.

Who is a RCIA candidate 

  •  Un-baptized adults
  • Adults baptized in non-Trinitarian formula
  • Adults baptized as Catholic, but lack First Holy Communion and Confirmation
  • Adults baptized & confirmed infants in the Catholic Church, but lack First Holy Communion
  • Adults baptized in other Christian Churches, in the Trinitarian formula w/water